[VIDEO] The Footage of Uriah Hall Getting his Ass Kicked by Ronda Rousey on the Ultimate Fighter Set

Ronda Rousey Ball

That’s not an exercise ball, it’s a grappling dummy that used to have arms.

When Uriah Hall humbly admitted that Ronda Rousey “totally kicked his ass” on the Ultimate Fighter set, we initially assumed that footage of the two fighters rolling wouldn’t surface. Sure, “shocking videos NO ONE WANTS YOU TO SEE!” are as common on the Internet as cat memes, but the UFC can be pretty good about keeping secrets. Oh well, chalk it up as an interesting story and move on with our days, right?

Not quite. The training session between Uriah Hall and Ronda Rousey is now readily available on YouTube, and only four days after Hall’s interview with The New York Post was published. That video, courtesy of The Ultimate Fighter’s YouTube channel, is available after the jump.

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Despite being little more than a slightly-resistant grappling dummy for Ronda Rousey, Uriah Hall doesn’t become frustrated and keeps his composure throughout the training session (or in Rousey’s words, doesn’t have “testosterone poisoning”). Hall repeatedly jokes about his performance, claiming at the end of the video that his session was a set-up.

Of course, Uriah Hall more than redeemed himself on last night’s episode of The Ultimate Fighter by publicly executing Bubba McDaniel.